As the seasons shift from summer to autumn (and the worries of raking loads of leaves comes to mind), I've taken the opportunity to clean up all prior Denizens of Ruckusville strips to reflect changes that will be seen in the September strips onwards. This change is currently applied to both the Ruckusville entries on this site, and on the official webcomic's website (which can be found here).
None of the images have seen any complete redraws, but elements that have changed range from correcting any outstanding issues with certain strips (including font changes), a overhaul in how colours look (they should pop more now!) and a changing in how the "old comic paper" look is handled.
Here is an example featuring the first ever strip, as a comparison. It should give you an idea on what to expect.
Top is the original May copy, bottom is the cleaned-up August copy:

I want to also take this time to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, who has supported this webcomic.
Though I say I make these for myself (and I still hold myself to that statement), I will concede that if it weren't for your active support (be it sharing these around with friends, liking them on socials or just letting me know personally that you love them), chances are I would have lost the drive to make more way earlier.